Day out in London + life update

Hey guys, time for a life update post, a.k.a a post where I bore my readers senseless by rambling on about myself and my thoroughly uninteresting life.

Last weekend I went on a day out to central London with my parents, here are a few photos I took (sorry my photography is terrible):

 I swear to god that slightly curved building wasn't there the last time I visited?? The rate at which buildings are built in London, jeez. It's incredible.

 The London Eye! And if you've got super-good eyesight you can just about make out the Big Ben in the distance.

The reason we went into central London was to buy me a pair of pointe shoes, because I'm going to start using pointe shoes in ballet!! I swear I've wanted to use pointe shoes since I was about seven?? But I was always too young, and actually they didn't even have a pointe class at my dance school, until now. 

 My pointe shoes, or as my dad calls them, pointy shoes. (My dad is weird.)

I look so awesome in them oh my gosh. I don't even know how to go on pointe yet but whatever. My legs are so damn skinny though. And I probably won't be wearing those leggings. Lol you can see my old ballet pumps lying on the floor behind me. I didn't realise until now.

Anyway! So I'm sort of excited about starting pointe lessons. What I'm NOT excited about is the fact that my first lesson is on Saturday at nine a.m.. SATURDAY. AT NINE A.M. Um. Can I just mention that I'm not a morning person at all?? As in, it takes me until about noon to wake up properly. I am a creature of the night okay. (Actually I go to bed pretty early. And I wake up late. Basically I sleep way too much, I don't know what's wrong with me.) I'm going to have to wake up at around seven on Saturdays. *shudders* So THAT'S going to be FUN. (Sarcasm 100% intended btw.)

A lot of people think it's strange that I like ballet, since I'm kind of a tomboy? But hey, who said you had to be girly to do ballet? I do karate as well as ballet and I'm equally damn happy doing both, you know? Personality has nothing to do with what you enjoy doing.


Talking about karate, I'm really annoyed at the moment because I really want to go through a grading to get my next belt, but I can't because the next one is at the end of September, and I'm going to be away visiting family. *sobs* The last grading I took was back in March, when I got my orange belt. I couldn't do the one in June, because I was away on holiday. Seriously the timing though?? I'm away from home like two weeks a year? And those two weeks just happen to be the weeks when the gradings are scheduled? So I'm going to have to wait until the December grading, let's just HOPE I'm around for that. I'm so sick of my orange belt, jeez. I don't even like orange. (Tbh I don't like red or yellow, which are the next two belts, either... hmm.)

September has come... so that means I'm starting schoolwork again, yippee. I've got exams coming up, and I've got SO MUCH to study still, I'd better get a move on, jeez. I'm taking maths, English literature and biology GCSEs next June. (If you don't know what GCSEs are, they're basically exams you take here in the UK when you're 16 and in your last year of secondary school, that are super important for your future and blah blah.)(Secondary is school is the school you go to when you're 11-16 btw.)(I know a lot of my readers are from America so I thought I'd better explain.)  I already took two GCSEs this year, English and Spanish, and I got great grades! I got an A* in Spanish (the highest grade you can get, but then again that's unsurprising as I speak fluent Spanish.)(My parents are from Spain, though I've lived in England my whole life.)(Whoa I'm having to explain a lot of stuff all of a sudden.) And an A in English! Which is awesome! Though considering part of the exam was writing a short story, I guess it couldn't have gone too badly... writing is so my thing.

Okay, I've got to go now, my mum has been yelling at me to come down to dinner for about half an hour. By the way, I've recently gotten an Instagram account @perfect_disharmony , so if you want to stalk follow me on Insta, send me a request! I don't really post anything interesting though, I'll just warn you now. 

'Kay I've really gotta go, bye.



  1. London looks so cool! I hope to travel the world someday, maybe I'll go there. It would be cool to see all the landmarks. :)

    Your pointe shoes are amazing! I almost want a pair, even though I'm about as graceful as an elephant in a tutu trying to twirl! XD

    I'm SO SORRY about waking up early on Saturdays! DUDE, that stinks. :/

    1. I want to travel the world when I'm older too! I really want to visit the States, and the Far East, and so many other places... I want to go everywhere! XD

      Thanks! Lol, I'm sure you're not that bad XD

      Yeah, it does!! Though maybe it won't be that bad. I really need to start waking up earlier on weekdays anyway. :)

  2. ...Is it strange to say that I wake up around 5-6 AM almost every morning? No? Okay

    1. Lol I'd never be able to wake up that early! But some people are just naturally early risers, while others (like me) are, um, not... XD


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