A snippet of (dark) poetry

Last night I was in a really dark mood for some reason, and I came up with this little piece of poetry. It's not quite long enough to be an actual poem, but hey, it's a poetry snippet. Maybe I'll make it longer if I have more ideas. But I thought I'd share it here anyway, even if it's not quite finished.


I’m the one with the tattered heart and the tattered soul and the tattered skin
I’m the one with the broken fingers from trying to dig out the grave I’m in

Desperately trying to fight away the demons that want to come barging in
But how can I even try to protect myself from something as dark as what comes from within?


Yeah, I was in a really crappy state of mind last night, I don't know what was up with me. But hey, if feeling bad inspires me to write, it can't be all bad can it?

Don't have anything more to say, really, so I'll just leave it at that.



  1. It's not /that/ dark, although it is somewhat creepy. But it does make one think, and it reminds me of an MCR or Fall Out Boy song, I don't know why..

    1. I've never listened to songs by either of those, I feel like I should... I'd probably like it

    2. YOU SHOULD! They're really good, also listen to Panic! At the Disco and Twenty One Pilots while you're at it!! :P
      (music is my second favorite thing besides reading and writing, just to warn you!)

    3. I've heard of all of those and I've always wanted to check them out, but I never got round to it :P I am a master procrastinator XD
      I like music too, but I tend to always listen to the same songs, the ones that are my favourites, so my knowledge of music is very limited... XP

  2. It /is/ a little creepy, but I like your poetry skills :D I came up with a four-verse prophecy for someone who probably isn't going to write a story :D

    I did it cos it was fun :D

    1. Thanks! Yeah, writing poetry can be really fun, I don't write much of it though, cause I never really have any good ideas... I want to start writing more


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