Indigo's Monthly Writing Challenge: November

Hey guys, it's time for the November edition of my Monthly Writing Challenge! (Actually on time for once...) Can you believe it's already November?! Erm, hello? 2017? Can you hear me? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GOING BY SO QUICKLY?!?! Like I swear it was September a few days ago?? Where has October gone? Can someone bring it back, please?

No, I swear, this year is going by waaaayyyy too quickly. Is there like a stop button or something I can press to make time go by a little slower.

Anyway, I hope you all had a spook-tacular Halloween yesterday! I didn't really do much, just stayed at home and opened the door to trick-or-treaters. (We get a LOT in our neighbourhood. I swear I was running to and from the door non-stop for about two hours. Halloween: the most exhausting night of the year.) I dressed up as a wizard, this was my costume:

My mum made the cape and part of the hat, and I wore make-up for literally the first time in a year. The most frightening part of the day was having to climb onto a chair to put up bat decorations at a window (me does not like heights at all).

But I digress! The point of this post is to announce this month's theme for my MWC. First of all, here are the entries I got for last month's theme, which was "Halloween". I got two entries, like the previous month, and they were from the same two people! Here they are:

Thanks for participating, I loved reading your stories! To everyone else, check these stories out if you haven't already!

For anyone who wants to participate this month, here are the rules:

 - Anyone can participate!

      - There aren't really any rules about what you can write, so long as it has something to do with the theme (that's the whole point of this challenge, after all). I only ask that you keep it clean (i.e. no bad swearing or any content that's unsuitable for kids, you get the idea).

      - You can write as much or as little as you like; there's no word minimum or maximum.

      - You don't have to take the theme completely literally; for example if the theme is "zombies", you're perfectly welcome to write about a zombie apocalypse, but you could also write about how people go about their everyday lives like zombies... think outside the box, be creative!

    - Once you've finished your story, post it on your blog, and leave me a link to it in the comments below so I can check it out! (If you don't have a blog, or you don't want to share your story on it, get in touch with me in the comments and we'll sort something out.)

    - When you post your story, can I ask that you mention me, Indigo, as the host of this challenge, as well as leaving a link to this blog? I'd really appreciate that. Maybe you could even encourage your readers to check out this post and take part in the challenge, that would be great. I know I don't have a huge amount of readers so I'm really relying on others advertising this for me!

    - You have until the last day of the month to write your contribution and share it. On the first day of the next month I'll write a post sharing links to all the previous month's stories, as well as revealing that month's new theme.

    - And above all, have fun! This isn't a competition, it's just a challenge for people who like writing stories, so enjoy!

Yes, you've guessed it; it's that time again. Time to reveal November's theme, which is...


Nice and vague, ready for all of you amazing writers to interpret in your own unique ways. Have fun! The deadline is on the 30th of November, so get writing.

To those of you who participated last month, I can't wait to see what you come up with this month; to those of you who didn't, I can't wait to see what you come up with either! 

Did you celebrate Halloween yesterday, and if you did, what did you do? And what did you dress up as?

'Til next time,



  1. Hopefully I can do it this month! I don't really know though...It being Nano and everything....

    1. It'd be great if you could, but it's okay if you don't have enough time! :)

  2. Are you Merlin or some random wizard? Either way it looks great! :)

    1. I'm just some random wizard XD Thanks! :)

  3. Love your costume! :-D I am still writing the entry for last month...sorry it's so late!!! :-Z Maybe I will combine the two themes. Is that allowed? AND YES!!! October went by SO FAST!!! :-O I don't celebrate Halloween, but I am going to dress up as a pirate soon for a costume party we're having. XD

    1. Haha, thank you! That's okay, and yeah, sure! :)
      I know right, where has October gone?!?! :P
      That sounds really cool XD

  4. YES I totally relate with you about feeling like the year has gone by in a flash. I feel like I haven't done anything important or productive this year! Ugh, why is time in such a hurry?

    That is a cute costume, the blue and silver match very well :D For some reason, wizards bring to mind that old movie Fantasia and Disneyland... Either way, I'm fascinated by how Halloween is such a big event over there! It's not widely celebrated here where I live. In fact, the only Halloween party I remember attending was the one during my preschool days, and that was the only time I wore a costume for Halloween lol.

    (More importantly, do you have leftover candy to spare? XD)

    Anyways, "colours" huh? I already have a story brewing in the back of my mind, and I hope I'll be able to publish it on time!

    1. I know, right? It's like someone's put time on fast-forward! I feel like I haven't had time to do anything this year... oh well, let's just hope 2018 goes by a bit slower :P

      Thank you! Whenever I think of wizards I always think of Dumbledore from Harry Potter, for some reason XD And to be honest, Halloween isn't that big a deal where I'm from, a lot of people celebrate it but a lot of people don't - it's mostly kids that celebrate it and go trick-or-treating, I know a lot of people who don't do anything to celebrate it.

      No, sorry!! We got loads of trick-or-treaters this year and they practically took all the sweets we had! I swear, I was about to put a sign on the door saying "SOLD OUT" because they just kept coming and coming! XD XD

      Ooh, cool! Can't wait to read it :)

  5. Oh my Goodness!! I completely forgot! I'll try me best to do this before December :D

    1. Haha, that's ok! Hope you manage to write it in time! :D

  6. Oh my, I'm a bit late but here you go! I managed to get it done somehow lol. Here you go ❤

    This prompt was more challenging than I thought it'd be. I was quite confident that I could make something rather decent, but I guess I'm still not up to par for that. This month's writing challenge was definitely a learning experience :D Thanks for creating this tag!

    1. WOW that was super last-minute! XD Hey, it's still November where I am, so it's technically speaking it's not late. :D

      I'm glad that my challenge helped you learn something! I enjoyed your story, thanks for taking part in my challenge! :)


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