Of Rising Authors Tag (FINALLY OMG)

...Okay, confession time. BIG CONFESSION TIME.

I got tagged with this about a hundred years ago. But... look, I forgot, okay?? I admit it. I thought "ooh I'll do this later!" And later never happened. It just completely left my mind. But I finally remembered. So here it is. My first tag! I feel proud of myself.

Another reason I put this off is that I didn't really have a WIP at the time. I still sort of don't, but I'm playing around with a few ideas, and I'm using one of those ideas to answer the questions in this tag. It's about... well, you'll probably get an idea of what it's about from my answers.

Thanks to Ral @ The Art of Life for tagging me! Sorry this took so long!! *cringes*

Le rules:

-No tagging back
-Tag four people
-Thank the person who tagged you

Anyway, bring it on! 

1. What genre of books is your favourite (To read or to write)?

Umm… ooh, that’s a hard one! Basically I like all books?? But I guess my favourite genres are science-fiction and fantasy, as I like to lose myself in fictional worlds… I also love mystery, especially if it has a supernatural twist. I think my favourite genre to write in, though, is horror. IT’S JUST SO MUCH FUN I CAN’T EVEN. (I don’t really like reading horror, though, which is weird. I guess I’m just a wimp.)

2. What would happen if your MC loses?

She would get murdered by a gang of insane ghosts hell-bent on revenge? Or something along those lines? (Aaah, my lovely, sweet, innocent mind.)

3. What would happen if a secondary character becomes the MC?

I haven’t really thought up all the secondary characters yet… I don’t think there’s going to be that many, actually. If one of the ghosts became the MC… well, the whole plot would be given away in the first chapter, so that wouldn’t work.

4. How do you get your ideas?

They just… come. I could be doing something completely random, and suddenly I have this AWESOME IDEA and I have to drop everything and go and stare into the distance for a while, to develop the idea more. (I am a hard person to live with, if you were wondering.) If I try really hard to come up with a plot or something, I get completely blocked; I have no ideas. But if I’m just relaxed and thinking about other stuff, the ideas come flowing in.

5. What do you like to do to your characters (That's NOT torturing them. I literally have asked this before and TWO PEOPLE have said they torture their characters.)?

I like to give them tragic backstories, and make them feel unsatisfied with their lives, and throw them head-first into danger, and make them fall in love with people they shouldn’t, and get them to risk their lives recklessly, and kill off people that they love… wait, that all amounts to torturing them? Oops. :)

6. What would happen if your villain had a change of heart?

Well… there isn’t really a villain in the story. I mean, there kind of is, but I feel bad calling him a villain. He’s just an eighty-something-year-old guy whose parents were murdered when he was a kid, and who went bat-crap crazy from the grief and has spent all these years plotting a revenge that involves bringing spirits back from the dead. Wow. I just read that through and realised it makes absolutely no sense. Anyway. If he had a change of heart and gave up on this revenge… well, the main character’s life would be problem-free. And oh, no. We can’t have that.

7. Would you rather: Never write again OR Write for the rest of eternity. Never stopping. (I know, I'm evil >:D)


8. What's your favourite style to write in? (First-person, third-person, etc)

It depends. If the story is focused on a particular character’s thoughts and feelings, I use first-person, as it’s more personal. But if the story is more centred on the events that are happening rather than the main character’s emotions, I use the third person. Does that make any sense?

9. Any tips for writing? If so, please share.

Err…. Well, considering I haven’t finished a longer writing project since last January, I don’t really think I’m qualified to give writing advice… and I know that everyone’s way of writing is different. The only advice I can think of is to enjoy writing. If you don’t enjoy it, what’s the point of doing it? If you’re really passionate about the story you’re writing, it will be so much better than if you’re writing something “just because”. (At least, that’s how it is for me.)

10. What is the hardest thing for you to write?

Writing is hard, okay. Fun, but haarrrddd. Look, I’m sick of answering questions. Bye.

Now for my questions!! (This is gonna be FUN.)

1. What is the reason you write?

2. When did you write your first story? How old were you and what was it about? (Prepare to cringe, mwahaha.)

3. Do you have one particular word that, no matter how hard you try, you can't learn the spelling of? (Mine is "mischievieous" by the way. "Dissappear" also gave me a fair amount of grief.)

4. Do you sometimes feel that your characters take on a life of their own and start doing whatever they want? (Not… not that that happens to me… no… *sobs quietly*)

5. Would you date one of your characters? (SORRY NOT SORRY)

6. Imagine you could pick four fictional characters to invite to a dinner party, who would they be and why would you invite them? (They don’t have to be book characters, they can be TV show or movie characters too.)

7. If you could only read books of ONE genre for the rest of your life, what genre would that be?

8. What would happen if you switched places with your MC? Or if your MC switched places with you, and had to live in your world? Explain.

9. Do you sometimes come up with perfect characters, a perfect fictional world, and a perfect subplot, but you have no actual story to put them in? (I can’t be the only one….)

10. Are you sick of answering questions by now? (Come on, be honest.)


Ral :)

Anyone else who wants to do it!

I know rules say no tagging back. And to tag four people. BUT I AM A REBEL, OKAY. I DO NOT FOLLOW THE RULES. 

Anyway that's it from me!

Stay awesome,



  1. Oh my goodness; I can't believe you tagged me. XP
    This will be the sixth time I've done the Rising Authors' tag!
    But thank you. :)

    1. Wow really? I didn't know you'd done it so many times XD You don't have to do it if you don't want to!
      Don't mention it :)

    2. Yeeahh that's kinda my fault XD (Check the 'tag war' we had :D

  2. That's okie, I did that to Kendra too.. I'm evil with tags.. >:D
    Also, I loved the answer to your questions :D XD
    (But you'll have to excuse me if I don't do it for a bit - I've got two posts coming up, and I just did one yesterday..)

    1. Haha, yeah I can tell! XD Thanks! And that's okay, do it whenever you can! (I certainly took my time...)

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I can't wait to answer! :D

    1. That's okay! Can't wait to read your answers. XD

  4. I've seen this around and it's a super cool tag. Awesome answers!

  5. Totally agree with you on number 4, you can't force ideas out of your mind. I once read something on the internet that goes along the lines of "ideas are like farts, if you need to force it out it's probably crap" lololol XD

    Also on your response for number 8, yeah that definitely makes sense. I think it's wise to change up your writing styles to suit whatever story you're writing after all :D

    1. I'm glad you agree with me! Omg that's like my new favourite quote XD it's so true lol

      My writing style changes so much depending on what I'm writing, it's almost incredible XD Some stories just feel like they have to be in first person and present tense, while others have to be in third person past tense... I don't know XD

  6. Okay, this is in line for my catch up on tags blog posts for the next couple of weeks. ;-D
    Thanks for tagging me!!! XD Can't wait to answer your questions. :-D
    (I'm pretty much a rebel in a lot of things. ;-D *high-fives*)

    1. Cool! That's okay, and I can't wait to read your answers! :D
      Yay, rebels unite! XP


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