This hot weather is killing me...

Hey guys... just wanted to write a short post about the past few days. I haven't been feeling so great lately. Basically, it's been really, really hot here in London - we've had highs of about 27 degrees for all this past week. (If you live somewhere that's, you know, not the UK, you're probably wondering what the fuss is all about but trust me, 27 degrees is a LOT here.) And I take hot weather really badly. Seriously, I just can't stand the heat; it makes me feel tired ALL the time. I've just been moping around the house, bored out of my mind, but I just don't have the energy to DO anything... it's a weird situation to be in. Like, I try and study something but my brain just doesn't want to work, and I can't go outside and do something outdoorsy because it's too hot, so I just end up doing nothing. I hate just sitting around with nothing to do so this is making me feel really frustrated.

The heat is also making me feel really grumpy all the time, I keep getting annoyed at things I shouldn't get annoyed at. Like for example the other day my mum asked me to go upstairs and get something for her and that made me feel really bugged; five minutes later I was like "why did that annoy me??" And then I feel irritated at myself, which makes me even grumpier. It's a vicious circle. I just feel like I don't have the energy for anything, and that's making me super crabby. (That, or it's that the infamous Teenage Hormones have finally decided to pay me a visit.)

Basically, I've just been feeling like shit lately, excuse my language. I think the weather's going to be cooling down a little tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll be able to finally escape this pit I've been digging myself into this past week.

Sorry for such  a gloomy post, but that's just how I've been feeling lately. I really needed to just complain about it for a bit to people who don't mind me being grumpy.

Anyway that's all I've got for today; see you in a hopefully more cheerful post at some point soon.



  1. Oh my gosh! You live in London too? Same here. Man I didn't get NO sleep last night, and when I got the little sleep I had, a fly buzzed around me and woke me up. I can't stand flies, I have a serious phobia of insects. It's okay to let your feelings out sometimes, it's just life innit :-) But yeah I know how it feels to be irritated like that, I think I'm taking the heat quite well tbh. Looking forward to your next post!

    1. Hey, nice to meet a fellow Londoner! :) I pretty much had no sleep a couple of nights ago, basically I was cold, so I found a warmer quilt, but then I was hot, so I took it off, then I was cold again... basically so on and so forth until about 3am, it was awful. At least the weather seems to have cooled down a bit now, I'm actually feeling a lot better. I don't really mind insects so much, but I absolutely HATE flying ants and there have been a lot of those around lately... ugh I really don't like them :P
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. So I do realise that I might come off a bit creepy by commenting a post 1.5 month ago but hey, I like talking about the weather :P. It's just a bit hilarious that you guys in England feel hot at 27 degrees (not judging or anything, just amused), because that temperature is like THE BEST here in Taiwan. I even had the AC at 28 degrees the other day because it was almost 34 degrees outside XD
    Seriously though, you might be feeling that because of bad ventilation? Perhaps the house is not that well-designed or something (like my dorm, ugh); if there's wind blowing in or if I have a fan running, I usually wouldn't feel hot (even if it's 30 degrees outside.)

    1. Haha, I think everyone loves talking about the weather XD I understand what you mean, I have family in Spain who get 40 degrees on the hottest days of the year and here we feel hot whenever it's 25 degrees or over, they always laugh their heads off :P i think our house probably isn't very well-ventilated, here we just don't know how to deal with hot weather. I mean, now temperatures have dropped and it's about 20 degrees, which is normal summer weather for us, so there's not much of a need to deal with the heat XD

    2. I've heard that British people love to talk about the weather in particular though ;)
      Good for you for having that kind of climate! I wish where I live were a bit cooler (and rained a bit more) (well, not as much as it does in Britain XD)

    3. Yeah, you're probably right, British people do like to talk about the weather XD I'm not sure why it's such a fascinating subject? But it is?
      Tbh I like the climate here, I don't like hot weather, but sometimes I wish it could be just a tiny bit warmer XD
      AND YES, THE CELCIUS SYSTEM IS THE BEST. BUT SO MANY PEOPLE USE FAHRENHEIT AND IT CONFUSES ME SO MUCH. I hate it when people use Fahrenheit and they're like, "it's 70 degrees" and I'm like what are you even on about. XD I find all imperial units confusing tbh? But I guess that's just because I've grown up using the metric system. :)

    4. Because the weather is the least awkward subject ever, haha. (see that awkward laugh there? yeah, we definitely should talk about the weather. right. Celsius.) I feel like my mental calculating abilities have improved so much because I have to convert empirical to metric all the time XD
      Oh, and I'm using my phone to reply, which is logged in to my other account, which is not linked to my English blog. But I swear I'm the same person, not some kind of internet creep!

    5. Yep, you can't really go wrong while discussing the weather. Also, the weather is so dynamic here in the UK that there's a lot to say about it. XD
      And why can't everyone just use the same system? It would make life so much easier for a lot of people. :P


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