ANNOUNCEMENT -- Now recruiting beta readers!! *unprofessional squeal*

[all images are from Pinterest, do not belong to me]

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One Wish 

A story about:

- An aspiring playwright
- A potion-maker 
- A wish potion
- Writing
- Magic
- Changing the world one story at a time
- Following your heart
- Finding your feet
- Finding your voice 
- Finding yourself 
- Wishes
- Kisses
- Life
- Love 
- Fate 
- Two girls and the love between them
- And the one wish that we all have.

>>> <<<

“You don’t need to change yourself. You don’t need to make yourself normal. You’re already perfect the way you are, because you’re you, and you’re who you’re meant to be, and that means you’re perfect. Don’t feel you have to change for others’ sake. Being different is a good thing.” 

And then she handed me the potion, and she squeezed my fingers before letting go. “Whatever you end up using this for,” she said gently, “make sure that it’s something that you want, and not something the rest of the world wants. Okay?”

>>> <<<

“Go and find your life. Go and find your voice. Go and find yourself. Go and create something beautiful. Go and change people’s lives.” She kissed me on the forehead and gave my hand a final squeeze. 

“Go and change the world.”

>>> <<<

If I could achieve that, and it could go well, and if I could take a plunge and everything could work out fine, if all I needed to do was be brave, then surely I could do anything and everything I ever wanted? 

Surely I could be whoever I wanted to be? 

Surely the world was mine for the taking?

>>> <<<

She smiled at me. “I don’t need to go to any city. I have everything I need right here.”

“In White Oaks?” I asked incredulously.

“In here.” She pressed a hand to her chest, right over her heart. “I have everything I need to be happy, right in here.”

>>> <<<

Remember when I said I had an announcement, then disappeared off the face of the Earth for like three weeks?

Well, here I am. 

This is my announcement.

I have written a 40,000 word novella and I guess I'm finally ready to share it with the world. 

I NEED BETA READERS!!! I still need to make a few final edits but this is my round-up call for anyone who is interested in reading my little story!!

Frequently Asked Questions (that have never been asked but I assume you must be thinking right around now):

Q: Omg Andrea you wrote a novella?? That's so cool!!!

A: okay that's not a question but YES IT IS COOL ISN'T IT. I'm so excited to finally share my project with the world!!

Q: What's it about?

A: Well ain't that a good question. The blurb above is the closest thing I can come up with to describe it (why is this so hard??). In short, it's a fantasy and f/f romance story that centres on a girl's life, and her growth and development throughout the years, and it deals with the themes of human relationships, choosing your path in life, and accepting yourself for who you are. 

Q: How long is it?
A: It's around 40,000 words (possibly a bit shorter by the time I do more edits) or 82 pages on Word.

Q: So uhh what do you want from beta readers?

A: Just for them to read it and give me an honest opinion! It doesn't have to be anything fancy or professional, or a very deep analysis -- just your genuine opinion from a reader's perspective, i.e. what you liked and disliked, what you think could be better, if you thought something should be better explained or developed, if a part could be cut, if there's an inconsistency or plot hole, etc. The type of thoughts you'd have after reading any other story, basically.

Q: Who can beta read?

A: Anyone!! It's YA fantasy (I think?? That moment when you have no clue what genre your own story is) and centres around an f/f romance, so obviously if you're a fan of these genres your opinion will give me a clearer picture of how to make my story better (as the intended audience will be people like you), but other than that, anyone can apply! (I'm likely to only pick around 5-6 readers though, at least at first, so I can't guarantee that you'll be picked.)

Q: Is there a deadline for feedback?

A: Not really -- I'm super-busy with school and writing the first draft of another novella (that I'm totally blocked on rn *sob sob*) and I know most people are also really busy this time of year, so I'm not fussed with how long you take to get back to me with feedback. The next few weeks/months is totally fine.

Q: Will you self-publish it at some point??

A: *winks mysteriously to pretend I'm not a total mess who has no clue what she's doing with her life whatsoever and is mildly terrified by the thought of other people reading her work*

So anyway, that's about it! If you're interested in being a beta reader, fill out the form below!

Can't wait to hear from you guys!

Stay awesome,

> > Andrea 


  1. I adore the dialogue! It's so poetic and sweet. I'm hooked already, and I can't wait to see more!

    1. Ahh thank you!! That means a lot 🤗❤️✨


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