The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag! (ft. me screaming about things that annoy me and generally being saltier than the ocean) (Oh hush this is why you all love me)

Hey guys! Your favourite blogger is back (what do you mean, I’m not your favourite blogger?? That’s ridiculous) and I’m here to complain about stuff!! Yay!

Look, I like to complain about stuff that annoys me, okay? I’m not going to lie about it. (If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know I like to complain.) I find complaining therapeutic. I mean, if you can actually do something to make things better and do something about the things that are annoying you, then 100% do it mate, don’t just sit there and mope about it. But there are always things that you can’t really do anything to solve. Feeling annoyed that no-one sees things from your perspective, feeling stressed over an upcoming exam, feeling really bloody cold COME ON it’s meant to be spring ffs, feeling insulted by the mere existence of racists and homophobes? COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. RANT AT SOMEONE. LET IT ALL OUT. And when you’re done, people still won’t see things from your perspective, and you’ll still be stressed about your exam, and you’ll still be freezing cold, and the world will still be full of racists and homophobes, but at least you’ll have shared your woes with someone, and that always somehow lightens the burden?

Basically: us humans like to alleviate our own suffering by sharing our suffering with others and making them feel our pain. AIN’T WE NICE.

So today, I’m going to be doing the Unpopular Opinions Book Tag! I, um, stole this from May @ Forever and Everly because I’m SNEAKY and SCHEMING and um, she said anyone could steal it, so. You know. *shrugs*

I have a LOT of unpopular opinions. A LOT. (Again, if you’ve followed me for any length of time, YOU KNOW THIS.) I mean, I don’t have that many unpopular opinions when it comes to books? I don’t actually read that many popular books or a lot of the books that are very hyped up at any moment, mostly because 1) I read quite slow so I don’t read that many books a year, and 2) I’M BROKE AND I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY ANY NEW RELEASES SOB SOB. (I have to wait for the fricking library to buy them and I swear, my local library exists for the sole purpose of tormenting me.) So a lot of the time, I don’t have opinions on books that everyone seems to have read and loved (or read and absolutely hated). So I can’t have unpopular opinions on them. If that makes any sense. I tend to like most of the books I read? Which is shocking considering how salty I am in other areas of life. (I think this is partly because I go on Goodreads a lot and I read reviews for books, which helps me steer clear of any book I’m probably going to hate? Like if badly-written or problematic or not my thing or just plain bad.)

Anyway! Since I feel like complaining today, before I do the tag, I’m going to start with a list of non-book-related unpopular opinions (or that may be seen as some as unpopular opinions, idk):

- Rose gold is my least favourite colour ever and everyone is obsessed with it and I’m like?? Why?? It’s like the yuckiest shade of pink to ever exist? It has no soul? No personality? But it seems that everyone loves it. It’s on everyone’s phone cases, earphones, clothes, shoes, jewellery, even their hair. And I just. I hate this colour. Why is it everywhere. (If you love rose gold pls don’t hate me? I can’t help disliking it. I CAN’T HELP BEING WHO I AM)

- Ripped jeans I mean what the actual frick?? If I’m going to buy a new pair of jeans, I don’t want them to be already ripped, I want them to look new?? Why is looking like you don’t have enough money to buy a new pair of jeans fashionable? I DON’T GET IT. HELP.

- Cats are better than dogs fite me on this

- Winter is better than summer

- Thunderstorms are cool (but I probably just think this because we rarely get thunderstorms where I live, and they’re never too bad. Maybe if people’s roofs were getting blown off their houses where I live I wouldn’t think this.)

- Android operating system FTW! (Tho this is just because I’ve always had phones that run Android and the few times I’ve used an Apple system I’ve gotten sort of confused.

- Long fake nails freak me out. Just… NO. They really make me feel creeped? I keep imagining them raking down a chalkboard and AARGH you all know the feeling of THAT. Also if I wanted to hang out with someone who has claws, I’d chill with my cat.

- Rose gold is like the worst thing to have ever been invented I swear

- I don’t like sweets!! Especially not very sugary sweets. (People look at me like I’m insane when I say this.) I mean, I don’t mind having one or two, but any more than that is just way too sickly sweet for me. Give me chocolate any day.

- Slime is not cool. Slime is disgusting. When I saw my ten-year-old cousin last year she’d bought some slime and she was holding it in her hands all the time. She asked me if I wanted to touch it and I said oh hell no but she was all, “oh but it’s really nice and satisfying to touch!” So like the idiot I am, I let her dump it onto my hand. And let’s just say my reaction was not “oh this is really nice and satisfying to touch”, it was more like “GET THIS SHIT OFF ME” before running for the bathroom to scrub my hands with soap under the hot water tap for about five minutes. (Also my cousin was touching it all the time and it was staining her hands blue? Like. This can’t be good for your health? I’m no expert, but…)

- I prefer to snack on fruit rather than crisps or sugary stuff. Like, I’m not trying to be a goody-two-shoes or anything? I just prefer to eat healthy, jeez. It’s not such a wild thing.

- I don’t believe that gender stereotypes or gender norms or different “masculine” and “feminine” things should exist, everyone should be able to be who they are and like the things they like without being judged or being told “oh you can’t do that that’s a girl/boy thing”. Not all boys have to like football and video games and not all girls have to like fashion and makeup! Boys can be interested in fashion and makeup and girls can like football and video games and IT’S NOT WEIRD OR UNNATURAL OR ANY OTHER OF THE DUMB THINGS PEOPLE SAY. It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, you can do whatever you damn want and be whoever you want to be! Can we just start letting people be who they are without judging them, please! Thank you!

- I honestly don’t believe in being patriotic and feeling proud of your country’s national identity, I feel like this often leads to people thinking that their country is “the best” and that everyone else is inferior, and I can’t stand this? I believe in a united Earth and being a citizen of the world, not your own little country. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re from, we’re all human, we’re all in the same boat so can we please stop dividing ourselves into different groups and then discriminating against people from other groups?


Okay, that’s it for my personal unpopular opinions, believe me there’s a whole lot more but I’mma stop now before you all start hating me. So now, to the tag!

A shelfie, because this is a bookish tag, and why not. I have a rainbow shelf. I love my rainbow shelf.
Also can we just ignore the fact that all my YA/MG books fit into a single shelf stand. (I do have more 
books, but they're mostly kids' books that I don't read anymore.)

· A popular book/series you didn’t like

Hmmm… ok let me think… as I mentioned, I don’t read a whole lot of popular books, and I mostly enjoy them… However a book that everyone all over the internet seemed to love and that I wasn’t too keen on was The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black. I mean, I really wanted to love it!! I really did!! It has gay faeries and girl knights and I WANTED TO LOVE IT SO MUCH. But I just… I couldn’t quite click with it? Couldn’t really get into it? I think the writing just didn’t quite work for me? Idk, this happens every now and then, I think I’m really picky when it comes to writing style or something. So yeah, I didn’t love it. But I wanted to. DO YOU SEE MY SUFFERING HERE.

· A popular book/series that is hated, but you love

Well, I don’t know if this book is hated exactly, but I know a lot of people disliked Satellite by Nick Lake. The reason most people dislike it is that it’s written entirely in text speech. And I’ll admit, it was a little hard to get used to it at first, but once I did I absolutely loved this book. The writing is actually beautiful despite the text speech. It was quite different from the books I usually read? Quite slow, just the story of a boy who comes to Earth after living at a space station all his life, and what happens when he gets there. But I really loved it, and I keep reading reviews of people complaining about how they hated the text speech and DNF’ed after a few chapters and I’m like NO! Dis book is good. You must like dis book. :(

· A hateable OTP



I don’t know?

I mean, I don’t tend to ship characters! I don’t ship characters! (I mean, there’s a few exceptions, but…) I prefer characters who are friends to stay friends without weird romance things! Every time a book features a boy and a girl who are friends, I’m like “ooh yay finally a platonic boy/girl relationship!! Wait… why is the boy thinking she has beautiful eyes? Why is the girl thinking he’s handsome? WHY ARE THEY KISSING?? STOP!” It’s like it’s impossible for a boy and a girl to be friends without there being weird things going on? And that really annoys me! Can we have boy and girl best friends who STAY friends, please!

So I’m gonna cheat on this one, and say “any OTP that features a boy and girl who are friends then end up having feelings for each other”. Because I’m allowed to bend the rules. I AM A REBEL.

· A popular genre you hardly reach for

Hi can I just throw the cat amongst the pigeons and say contemporary? I know so many people love contemporary and I know that there are so many amazing contemporary books out there, but… it’s not really my thing? I prefer fantasy or sci-fi? I mean, there are a few contemporary books I’d like to read, but they somehow keep getting pushed to the bottom of my list by fantasy books, so…

Basically, when I read I like to escape into a fictional world that has nothing to do with this world, rather than reading about people who live in the same world as me… does that make any sense? Also if terrible things happen in a fantasy/sci-fi book I can just go “lol thank God I live in 21st century planet Earth and this sort of thing doesn’t happen here lol” but if it’s contemporary and terrible things happen, then… These things really do happen in real life?? And I know this makes me sound like a terrible person but sometimes I just prefer not to know. Basically: I’m a coward who doesn’t like to face up to realities. That’s what you can take from this.

· A beloved character you do not like

Ummm… I don’t know?? I tend to like all characters, it’s real people who get on my nerves… Well, idk if she’s a beloved character but I wasn’t too keen on Lauren from Girl, Missing? I thought she was a bit whiny and selfish.

· A popular author you cannot get into

Oh URGH. These questions are hard. Why did I steal this tag again?? I have regrets.

I’m just gonna say Holly Black again because I didn’t quite click with her writing style in The Darkest Part of the Forest? I mean, I’ve only read one book by her but I guess the writing style is the same in all the books.

· A popular bookish trope you’re tired of seeing

Well, I’ve already complained at length about boy and girl friends who end up dating. That just really annoys me. I mean, it’s okay sometimes?? It does make sense that if you really know someone well, you’re more likely to fall in love with them? But it really depends on the book. Also, when the love interest is just some Hot Guy who has no personality or else is a jerk. Can we have main characters who fall in love because of personality, not looks, please.

And don’t get me started on love triangles. DO NOT. GET. ME. STARTED. ON. LOVE. TRIANGLES.

· A popular book/series you have no interest in reading

I think the Twilight series is something I’m never going to read. I sort of wanted to at one point, because I was having a vampire phase? (Don’t ask.) But it’s a romance and while I don’t mind romance in other genres, I’m not too keen on books that are just about romance. Also I’ve heard enough bad things about it by now that… yeah… I don’t think I wanna read it.

· A movie/tv show that’s better than the book

I DON’T KNOW. I honestly can’t come up with anything?? I always think the book is better than the move. Always. I just… nope, can’t think of anything. Oops.

And on that highlight, we come to the end of this tag! Hope you guys enjoyed this, I certainly enjoyed writing it! COMPLAINING IS ALWAYS FUN. YAY.

Since I wasn't actually tagged with this, I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to do it please do! I'd love to hear your unpopular opinions.

Before I go and disappear into the shadows where I belong, I just wanted to ask you all if you got notified when I posted my last post last week? Because I’ve got a really low amount of pageviews on it, and for some reason a few people only just saw it today? So I’m wondering if maybe there’s something wrong with my blog’s feed… I changed my blog’s link about a month ago, it might have something to do with that? I updated my email subscription service and Bloglovin’ feed, though, so it should be fine… Anyway, if you could let me know if you think there might be something wrong with my blog feed, I’d really appreciate it!

ALSO I HAVE MY FIRST HUMAN BIOLOGY IGCSE TOMORROW MORNING SEND HELP. Or at least wish me luck. I mean, I’m pretty confident it’s all going to go well? But still. IT’S SCARY.

All right, your turn now! Got any unpopular opinions (bookish or non-bookish) you’d like to share? Do you agree with mine? If you do, tell me! If you don’t, tell me too! TELL ME EVERYTHING. Just be polite and respectful if you don’t agree with my opinions, please. That’s all.

Love you guys

Stay wild,


*runs away into the night*


  1. One of those posts where I enjoyed the intro more than the actual post. THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL I APLAUD YOU. I honestly agree with so many of those haha

    1. Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed this! πŸ˜‚ And that you share my unpopular opinions, it's nice to know I'm not the only one πŸ˜‚

  2. Omgg I relate to a lot of your first list of unpopular opinions! I don't really care about rose gold, I'm like "eh" about it, but what is the fuss about it?!πŸ˜‚AND I HATE SLIME. I WILL NOT TOUCH IT. I also like winter and hate long nails and prefer fruit to sweets. *hi fives* Ohhh and omg I agree so much about the gender stereotypes. It makes me so angry how people police them?! Like I was trying to buy stickers for my nieces/nephews and a relative was like "you should get your nephew the trucks and the nieces these butterflies" and I'm like??? I'm getting them ALL butterflies?!???? Down with gender stereotypes bleh.

    I do also want to read Satellite! I'm a bit worried about the text-speech but also curious.πŸ˜‚

    1. Omg I'm so glad you relate to so many of my unpopular opinions! It's nice to know I'm not alone 😁 *high-fives back* Yeah, people's attitudes to gender stereotypes make me so mad too? Let people do what they want, jeez.

      You should totally read Satellite! It's a really nice book 😊

  3. Okay, ripped jeans are just. No. Nope. I mean why? They get ripped when you wear them?? I don't want them pre-destroyed???
    And cats. Cats are better than dogs. 3000%.
    And winter is the one season to rule them all tbh. WHO EVEN LIKES SUMMER ITS SO HOT AND UGH. (Then again I live in AUS...)
    Good to see I'm not alone XD

    1. I know, right?? Why buy something that's already damaged?? It doesn't make any sense to me πŸ™„
      I'm glad you relate to my opinions! It doesn't get too hot in summer where I live but I still prefer winter, I just like cold weather more πŸ˜‚


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